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The Physicker is a class specialization of Qamari Guild of Scholars.

Physickers are dedicated to studying human physiology and psychology alike. Most specialize in woundtending, from simple first aid to more complex surgeries. Some go on to study the effects of diseases and poisons. Concocting medicinal and enhancive substances is another common field that many Physickers study, ever seeking to learn more about how the human body works and reacts to various situations and stimuli. Not only interested in the physical, many Physickers will also study psychology and can administer effective therapies to speed mental recovery or increase learning or morale. The Lost Lands provides a unique opportunity for the arts of the Physicker to be studied and experiemented with outside the ethical constraints and oversights often put in place by prominent governmental powers elsewhere.

Class Abilities

Guild-Wide Abilities

Class Skills (above default caps)