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Kurn is the Ravager, an Immortal of rage, bloodlust, destruction, and regret.

She is generally depicted as a hideous arch-daemon. Kurn is known to take many different forms, most of them being massive horrifying beasts of wildly varying shapes and features. A common theme across depictions is many mouths all over her body filled with gnashing teeth; sometimes the mouths are capable of erupting with flame, acidic bile, poisonous fumes, or some combination thereof. Even in her more humanoid depictions she retains a monstrous and bestial appearance, with a towering frame larger than any Giganti, even taller than Bathal, sharp horns on her head, wide-slitted eyes, sharp claws tipping hands and feet, scales and thick fur along her body, barbs erupting from her spine, and her characteristic vicious mouths on palms, abdomen, and feet.

Other Immortals

Kurn and Bathal are known to work together, though they have a somewhat strained relationship at times. The Old Lore describes a battle between Kurn and Bogvaskr, her nemesis, an epic battle that ended with the latter fleeing. Kurn was identified as a monstrously powerful daemon, the one destined to bring an end to a doomed world. It is not known of the precise contents of the prophesy nor its origin. Some may believe she rages against this fate or that her very recalcitrance will cause it.


Kurn has a presence in Stormholdt. Worship of her is generally not accepted by most, given everything about her.


Kurn would likely gleefully delight in a human sacrifice. She is at times used as a frightening tale for children, who are warned to behave lest they be consumed by her multitudinous mouths.

Uncommon Views

The Harbingers have some additional views that they have been making efforts to spread: Kurn is certainly sadistic and destructive, and it is said she is fated to destroy the world. Yet she fights against her fate, wishing the world to continue on in a perpetual state of the hunted and the hunters, the consumption of the weak and foolish to build up the strong and the cunning. In her denial of her prophesied fate she inspires mortals to feel that their lives are what they will make of them, and that they are not bound to predetermined unchangeable paths. She sympathizes with those who regret the path they have been set upon while also inspiring them to fight against it, to do everything they can to make the world the one they wish it to be, or die trying. She always delights in seeing the new creation that takes the place made for it by her acts of destruction. While a being heavily associated with inflicting great destruction and death, she is perhaps also the one who harbors the greatest passion for life and experiencing the world.