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Ability to toggle a weapon as melee or ranged

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:38 pm
by Teri
My suggestion would be the ability to set a weapon such as a spear as a melee, or ranged option and toggle back and forth. I'd like to keep the spear in my hand and throw javelins, but it defaults to being thrown first. I would prefer it as a melee weapon due to the metal, and if I'm holding the spear and try 'hurl javelin' I hurl the spear first.

Re: Ability to toggle a weapon as melee or ranged

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:46 am
by Gorth
I should be given a Necromancy title. I ripped the bones of this topic from the earth to outline the following, which was mentioned and vaguely discussed on Discord a few weeks ago:

I play a Marauder who's weapon choice, in a majority of case, is Javelin + Shield. Javelin on it's own is a whole beast that I'll address some other time. There is one specific point I'd liek to make, though.

My combat strategy, in most cases, is to use 'Combat avoid' to save myself a bit of timing, as it procs a passable amount of time on even Liberi at my skill level. So, when entering a room, I have time to feint and then Tackle, or even feint and wait for an attack to tackle while they're in roundtime. If you haven't seen the issue, it's that when feinting with a Javelin, it counts it as a hurled weapon, thus not breaking Combat Avoid. Aditionally, for people who Flip and Tumble, it doesn't proc those, as it counts as a ranged attack. I'm okay with this, if it's only while avoiding, as I don't believe it is. However, considering I have 450 melee skill and 0 (zero) ranged skill, I don't think it's fair I get to basically feint for free while also avoiding combat. Thus, I think that there should be some balancing act done here. I'm perfectly fine with feinting with a javelin taking me into face to face combat. I love that I can stay in avoid while feinting, but what I enjoy doing and what is way too busted in my mind happen to coincide here.

Re: Ability to toggle a weapon as melee or ranged

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 5:45 pm
by Pendulum
The weapons in question (spear, javelin, dagger, etc) have a flag that says they are "hurlable". If we had the ability to toggle this flag, this would accomplish our request. Perhaps with the syntax "ranged unset" and "ranged set" while holding the hurlable weapon in the right hand.

Another way activate this suggestion would be, to have the game treat the javelin as ranged if held in the left hand (or in the quiver), and as melee if held in the right hand. Or vice versa.