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Weather and The Diaspora

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:51 am
by nobody
I took an extended ride on The Diaspora while it was raining and found several lines in the stock rain strings that don't fit as well whilst on a ship at sea:
Dark, sodden clouds hang gloomily overhead as they release rain over the land. ('release rain over the sea' might be more appropriate, also at sea a cloud-filled sky is more ominous than gloomy but that seems perhaps too over the top if it rains on that sea route often).
Rain falls steadily to the earth. (no earth to land on in sight unless the ship stays fairly close to the shore line)
The land is drenched by rainfall. ('The deck is drenched by rainfall.' might be better)

These ones are still good:
A constant patter can be heard as rain falls from the sky. (rain still makes a sound on the deck and on the water, so this still fits great)
Raindrops fall from the sky in a constant pattering. (ditto)

I'd love to see others specific to the at sea location like:
Tall waves crash against the ship, stirred by the winds of the storm.
A sailor dumps a half-filled bucket over the side, clearing some pooled water.
The rain pours across the deck in sheets, drenching all aboard.