OOC in-Game Meeting, Saturday, 4 March, 2023

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OOC in-Game Meeting, Saturday, 4 March, 2023

Post by Frisbee »

Marcuson asks, "My question's probably out of the blue, but I'm curious about the 'recall' command. What can it describe besides thornleaf and emberberries? Are there any plans to expand it?"
Rias says, "Oh man. Not much else. It's something from the Somnium era that I never really expanded on."
Rias says, "I'll have to think of more stuff I can throw into that, because it's a fun way to dispense knowledge to people who should have particular knowledge based on skill."
Gorth asks, "There is, of course, the concept of afterlife as demonstrated by the fact that Undm, her grace the lady of soulkeeping, is a judge for the afterlife, Egyptian style. What is afterlife? Is there any widely agreed upon eternity such as heaven/hell/limbo? If I wanted to, for example, use heaven/hell in a song, would there be an analogue term in general, or would it depend upon religion or culture? If so, what are the most common afterlife beliefs?"
Gorth says, "P.S. These sorts of things might be good things to add to racial helpfuls, ala Giganti's afterlife section."
Rias says, "That's something I'll need to write up some documentation on. There are differences based on cultures and such, but also common themes and similarities. The Giganti document does mention their version of the afterlife, but most of the rest hasn't been hammered out yet. (Unintended Mountain Father pun!)."
Fellborn says, "I was going to say. The Giganti document is quite extensive on that aspect."
Rias says, "I -have- been working on my ancient history stuff though, and a vague timeline I want to toss out to players. I always wonder if anyone has managed to talk to a certain NPC about the Age of Night."
Verel asks, "I'm glad that you've become happier, Rias. I read your post on what you're planning. Will this now mean that there will be no specific guild for artisans since you're planning to free up most everything? How will some people be able to make higher quality items than fine quality? Will all be able to do this?"
Rias says, "Still up in the air, honestly. There may still be a guild for some exceptional crafting stuff, as I'm settling on the idea of specialized knowledge still being in guilds, and keeping guilds around for that purpose rather than the very basic Adventurer/Warrior/Scholar. Occult skills, physiology, psychology, chemistry, locksmithing are some of the stuff I want to still require joining a specific group ("guild") to get access to, because it doesn't seem like the kind of knowledge you just walk up to your local place and say "Hey, give me a quick lesson in this specialized school of knowledge." Lost Lands doesn't have the Internet and a lot of knowledge is still pretty limited-access and centralized. But I've strayed a bit from what you're asking."
Rias says, "Crafting skills in general won't require a guild though. There might be classes or maybe a guild that gets some perks to crafting, because it's always fun to have the concept of an ultra-specialized craftsman. It'd be more perks and not "required to be considered viable at all" though."
Chariot says, "Two question. First, what, or who, are troglodytes. How do they fit into the lore? Are they like Fjelbeist, or are they mutated or whatever done to by resen? I always have trouble rping that one out."
Speaking to Chariot, Rias says, "That's a good question! They hang around some other creepy human-ish creatures too who you should probably be wondering about as well."
Chariot asks, "That's also what I wonder, yes. They do have riln and stuff. Like how?"
Rias says, "Might be a good question for an NPC sometime, or some lore studies."
Chariot says, "Would love to see studyable object/characters ig for that tbh. Anyway, second question."
Fellborn says, "There have been multiple events regarding the inhabitants, and a lot of lore dropped. It might be worthwhile talking and discovering things from other players to try and piece together possibilities."
Rias exclaims, "Good advice!"
Chariot exclaims, "Huh, never knew there were events!"
Chariot says, "Anyway question:But before that, let me clarify I don't expect or demand concrete answer for this one and don't mind at all if anyone feel like roasting me after this roundtable is over."
Rias lights a small firewood teepee with some firestones.
Fellborn starts sharpening the point of a large branch.
Chariot asks, "What is considered publically acceptable, at least the very most bare "minimum" mental capacity to at least be functional in the game setting without being off?"
Rias says, "I think my personal preference would be to avoid mental conditions that would have a real-world system of categorization, study, and treatment. I'm not knowledgable in that field so I'm not sure if that might be too broad, but that's my gut response. Specific to the game and its existing policy in particular, we have deliberately avoided the ability to create characters of an age that is considered a minor, and while I didn't think to specify as much, the intent and reasons there apply to mental capacity as well as literal age. It's not that we want to avoid people who don't meet a minimum of years existing in the world, but rather we want to avoid people who can't function as an adult and be fully knowledgable of and responsible for their own actions. It's a matter of many things, including comfort of staff and players as well as liability."
Chariot says, "I've honestly been thinking of that, but not sure how to fix it when it was already done without rp anxiety. But I'll pass. there are at least three people with hands raised. Thank you."
Squeak says, "One thing that I was interested in when I read the website after a friend suggested Cogg to me, was firearms. Decided to create an entire RP revolving them. Will firearms, either lock or pnuematic, be craftable and repairable? Or, perhaps, a specialized crafting 'tree' to build and use them to follow? Not saying the world needs multi-shot firearms, but swivel-barrel flinties would be really cool. Secondly, how do you envision these skill trees looking? Sort of Skyrim-esque, with guilds/societies giving that RP-flavor and "advanced" abilities? Or something else? You've probably covered tht in VC, but I have difficulty listening to them."
Rias says, "I've admittedliy been hesitant with firearm crafting, because it tends to be a thing that starts spiraling into more and more advanced requests. Our firearms tech level is intentionally low here to keep us from getting into the age of firearm superiority over other weapons/armor. I actually started on flintlock crafting, but put the brakes on it to think over that kind of thing more."
Rias says, "A lot of the skill trees will be pretty commonly available, not requiring any guild. Some, like I mentioned earlier with occult skills, physiology/psychology/chemistry, and locksmithing, will require joining a particular guild to get access to. And there may be some special ones in particular guilds/societies for theme and flavor."
Squeak says, "Appreciate it."
Squeak says, "And before I turn over the floor, I'm glad you're more enthused."
Lexx says, "Two-parter (ish), but both in a similar vein: I do not usually like to ask for time-lines or ETAs as a rule of thumb, but I did want to ask if you had any (vague at least) ideas as to when you expect to have the new Skill-Tree system in a place where you're either ready to share some of the nitty-gritty or start testing? And as a kind of follow-up to that, do you expect to release the teased Unique Primalist Cool things alongside skill-trees, or as it's own thing? I normally wouldn't ask, but the gravity of the nature of the change (being one of the biggest ones we've encountered so far to the core way the game works) makes it feel a little more pressing."
Lexx adds, "If you think it's going to be a thing where you might have to push it back significantly (like with the Second Faction release), I respect that, and am okay with not getting a general timeline."
Rias says, "Primalist stuff will show up on its own, and should be before the skill trees stuff. With the skill trees I may release an early version to test the system out while many of the abilities are just names/placeholders without mechanics behind them, just to let people see how it'd feel to craft a potential character under it and feel out the potential and the limitations."
Rias says, "Actualy hard number timeline though: Honestly no idea! I've started throwing some of it together already, but there are other pieces to still think out that we're crunching numbers on and poking at different ideas for to make it all feel right."
Rias says, "I'm essentially using the idea already though going forward with ideas. Like with the woodcutting stuff, I've got abilities in the pipeline that are being designed as a tree regarding the prerequisites and stuff, rather than a cherry-pick approach."
Speaking to Rias, Lexx exclaims, "Totally get it! Was also concerned that our primalist friends might have to wait for the new system to get their own cool toys. Thank you!"
Rias says, "So even if we don't do a big shift with the guilds stuff and we keep current guilds/classes, I'm still going forward with the general idea shift to the trees approach."
Jerc asks, "Was the ARG always building to its most recent developments from its inception? Can we expect to see more of it or similar puzzles?"
Rias says, "You're one of -those- people."
Jerc chuckles, "I'm one of those people who goes to defcon and spends the whole time in the ctf competition."
Rias says, "I'm sure whatever you think is going on will keep going on for as long as whoever's behind it can possibly keep your crackpot theory minds going."
Gorth says, "Sorry, here comes asking you for science."
Gorth asks, "How detailed is our knowledge of our galaxy? How many planets do we know about? I assume that the sun and moon and dimensions of our planet are similar enough to Earth to not have significant difference in gravity or time of sunlight travel or similar?"
Rias says, "Khaldeans have a lot of ideas about stars and planets and love to make their star charts and models depicting celestial bodies. I don't know that they've started throwing the word "galaxy" around. Gravity and moon cycles and such seem to match up pretty well to real-world, but don't be too quick to assume our cosmoses (cosmii?) are one-to-one copies."
Gorth asks, "Is astrology a thing?"
Rias says, "Yep."
Rias exclaims, "Yay pseudo-science!"
Gorth says, "So Khaldeans are nuts, got it."
Gorth asks, "How much do we know about biology, genetics etcetera?"
Rias says, "Not much, because I did terrible in my high school biology class."
Gorth says, "But like, we have the whole human anatomy lain outt, I assume. We know all the bones and organs and whatnot, probably right? Do you know bones, Rias? Anyway, is it alright to use latin-based Science words? Latin isn't real."
Rias says, "There has been plenty of corpse dissection, sure. Plenty of cultures have cut them open and poked around in them and experimented. I'd say no to the fancy latin terms, I don't want it to start sounding too much like real-world modern era medical knowledge."
Gorth whispers, "Fellborn there is an anatomy class on his own."
Rias says, "(I like how Bonehead's logout timing is such that he's always gone just long enough to be offline when I answer.)."
Verel says, "A suggestion about firearms. If you're planning on having people make them., then if you don't want them to be replaced for other weapons, then I'd add loading times. A little loading time for smaller ones and more loading time for larger ones since presumably it does take more time to pump in the air for pneumatics that're larger or load a larger flintlock. I think in general though melee will still be preferred not only just for ooc reasons but also for IC reasons too because some are put off in character by the prospect of gunpowder and the mistrust of technology in general. That should mitigate it."
Rias says, "Yeah. The main worry is entertaining the ideas of advanced firearms technologies that make them better than the baseline, and if they're just better better, that obsoletes both the default firearms as well as potentially most other weapons, and that would be sad."
Verel says, "I also think we should be able to make gunpowder as part of the firearms skill. Better gunpowder equals a little more damage from the shot for flintlocks. Better pneumatic parts equals a little more damage for pneumatics. Then, you could have only certain people make them and make the market smaller/more exclusive with higher demand. Obviously, if you want to stop that from happening, I think you should make it clear now that flintlocks and pneumatics as far as loading mechanisms is as far as it goes. No cartridges or anything further. I think people'd be fine with that."
Rias says, "Gunpowder is another tricky one, because access to crafting gunpowder inevitably leads to crafting bombs, and once you give players the idea that they could potentially make bombs..."
You ask, "Someone'll have to correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that Parr consists of three main islands that are surrounded by loads of smaller islands. Do we know what any of them are named, especially the larger ones? Also, are any of them known for anything interesting apart from the obvious -- fishing, sailing, etc? If there isn't sufficient information on any of this, would it be acceptable for a player to make up a smaller island in the Parren vicinity for their PC to hail from, so long as it all fits with existing lore?"
Rias says, "Correct, there are the three big main Parren islands, and then there are a smattering of smaller ones around them. I wouldn't say loads of them, so I don't want to say people can just come up with their own. Hrm. I'll come up with some names for the backstory-home-applicable ones, large and small."
You say, "Thank you! Secondly, going off previous questions, what do you think the future of Stormhold Castle might be, after a lot of warriors are able to train elsewhere? You mentioned picking up combat abilities in public barracks, in your recent post. Stormhold is sort of bland, I suppose, but there are interesting little bits of lore -- some trainers, the strange throne, the mysterious nightblades."
You indignantly add, "... And poor adorable greeter NPC! What of them!"
You stare.
Rias says, "Stormholdt is sticking around and won't be retconned or anything. They'll still be a place famous for providing excellent combat training. We'll be focusing more on their role in providing, essentially, mercenary services. They've also got some fun history to be learned about and expanded on beyond that, but I'm not ready to speak on that yet."
Rias says, "I'm hoping to get some of their leader and top trainer NPCs out there, and for people who want to go all in on the mercenary lifestyle, Stormholdt could very well be your group to really throw in with. They're not as cause-oriented as others, but not everyone is looking for a big singular cause."
Moreover quietly says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "First, wanted to mention on the earlier-said medical terms... most of the parts of the body have been called using Latin terms for over 1000 years of earth history irl. Also, we call parts of armour using Middle French words , like vambraces and cuirass. just sayin'."
Rias says, "Sure, but if there's a non-fancy-latin term available, use that instead."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "Any chance to get lockblade traps in game, i miss those."
Rias says, "I miss lockblade traps too! I was thinking about those a little while ago. I'd love to get them implemented again."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "Nice."
Rias says, "But first: Arcanist trap wards. Which I imagine working in much the same way, and Arcanists still need more development."
Rias says, "Ha ha look at this nerdy guy with his robe and glasses I'm just gonna walk up and punch him in the- well now I'm hurtling through the air away from him at worrisome speeds and I do not look forward to the inevitable reconnection with the ground or other nearby obstacle."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "The other thing, could we have a re-think on the in town weapon shops? Waaay back when you opened up COGG as a game, everyone was a zero in all skills and buying copper weapons and tools was a thing for those first two weeks."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "Now a days , these shops serve as only a rip off to new people who join the game and don't know what's what."
Rias says, "The problem with improving the off-the-shelf stuff with better quality or materials is that then the PC crafters don't have much of a place left."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "Well, i see that. but my suggestion is more of removing those shops entirely."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "They are only traps to the completely new."
Rias says, "Oh, I still think they serve a purpose in selling the default-level stuff if said PC crafters can't be found or aren't available, or one just hasn't saved up enough yet. Buying some copper gear isn't really a big hit, particularly in the long run."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "Perhaps an ooc suggestion to check the market or crate instead, much like when people travel, suggestion is there to get food before you go."
Rias says, "Or a tutorial task guiding people to the market and suggesting they can often find better gear there made by PC crafters."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "It's a big hit though to the person who has just joined and doesn't know the game. a huge hit on the pocketbook."
Rias says, "I think we'll just agree to disagree on the severity of the situation. They've still got the item they bought that is plenty useful."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "Just seems like those shops are more likely to make a total novice want to give up in his first couple of days.... saves up all day for that non-keen sword... then in no time of fighting, it is damaged."
Rias says, "I like to look at it as a reason to realize there's better stuff out there and something new to work toward, but I realize not everyone will be so optimistic."
Rias asks, "Uh... okay?"
Rias coughs.
Rias says, "That was, essentially, a mistell."
Agelity says, "So two questions... first, related to the earlier mentioning of studies concerning constellations and such, are there plans for various tasks or bits of lore, or even related abilities and such perhaps related to the study of different sciences in game, such as astronomy? My Khaldean is... well, they hold some interests in scholarly pursuits, so I'll admit there's some added interest for things like that, and more ways to interact with studies like that."
Agelity asks, "The second, related to the abilities, for those that may be gated behind things like certain societies, what sort of societal abilities would those be (like any current ones) and what sort of exclusions would occur, like if a Primalist wanted access to Primalist stuff but couldn't suddenly become a monster hunter, or is that largely up in the air/misinterpretted from the earlier posts?"
Agelity sips an invisible glass of wine.
Fellborn shanks Agelity and takes his wine.
Rias says, "Some library flavor study tasks could be fun, working like the town chore tasks."
Rias says, "With a chance to get some person interrupting you to ask why a star that they've heard of isn't showing up on any of the star charts in the Qamari archive."
Agelity says, "Oooh, that definitely helps to sate some curiosity for the first question."
Rias says, "As to the second question, I'm not sure I'm understanding it exactly."
Agelity rephrases, "With regards to thoughts on shifting ability access to certainly organizations or societies, just curious how it'd change or alter what the current idea/plans behind societies, and whether existing specializations would have to make a choice between abilities they have access to as of now and RP opportunities they were hoping to one day pursue, or whether they'd still be allowed to join a society (ie, Wyrvardn, Harbingers, etc.) while also pursing a path through some other means (Rook Parlour, Mummers, etc.)? I think I maybe misinterpreted a bit of the post myself originally."
Rias says, "But generally speaking, Society abilities will probably be specific-to-the-society-flavored abilities, and not like... capstones to skill tree abilities, if that makes sense? Like we wouldn't want to say you have to join society X to get the really cool Dreadnough ability, sorry non-societ-X Dreadnoughts. If that's what you meant."
Rias says, "With where I currently am in my idea-flailing: Rooks, Mummers, Library of Qamar, will probably be more like "guilds" in that you need to join them to get their specialized-knowledge abilities. But one could be in Rook Parlour, or a member of the Mummers' Camp, and still join Tse Gaiyan or Wyrvardn or Harbingers for their cause. The former are less about causes and more about particular skills/talents. That would put one in the situation of having two groups to manage a relationship with though, but with great power comes great responsibility and all that."
Sensing an incoming ranged attack, Howard quickly reades his shield!
Shewel hurls an angry goat at Howard! Ranged(d800):394 vs Block(d312(-4x)):32 = 362 (45%)
50 pierce damage (left leg)
Rias exclaims, "That!"
Howard asks, "I didn't do it?"
Rias exclaims, "That is what my weird random "uh... okay?" was about!"
Howard says, "It feels personal."
Rias says, "I'm assuming there's some context or history there."
Howard says, "With the goats? Oh yes, there is."
Howard says, "And it's baaaaaad."
Howard quickly says, "Please don't hit me again."
Rias says, "But you're not Rummy! I guess you didn't herd it, you got hurt by it."
Howard asks, "As an initial note, it's good to see you all and I hope everyone's been doing well. My question is about the Thresher family. The help file says they are still active today. Do they have an insignia or symbol or anything like that?"
Rias says, "They do! I thought it was mentioned in the documentation? Let me see."
Speaking to Rias, Howard wisely says, "Rummy is less a person and more a state of mind. If you think about it, we're all Rummy."
Rias says, "Hrm. It isn't there. I could have sworn it was. Give me some time to try and remember whether I was trying to keep it a secret."
Howard says, "Well hot dawg. Appreciate the whole team for everything y'all do."
Rias says, "P.S. The Threshers are my favorite."
Vaelin asks, "Hm, my question is, I liked the combination stuff with elemancy at clok, will we also have combination glyphs for arcanists in the future? combining basic glyphs for a cooler effect or something?"
Rias exclaims, "Yes, modifier glyphs have been an idea we've wanted for a long time. The system is just very finicky to work with, but we want to make it happen!"
Vaelin asks, "Aside from the ward you mentioned, give us more teasers?"
Blueyeti says, "Hello! I have a few questions about various topics. Sorry if some of them were already asked, I arrived late. During an OOC discussion on arcana, it was mentioned that when the basic glyphs cast in a specific order would chain resolve away the negative effects of each glyph. In other words, if the four basic glyphs are cast in a particular sequence, the negative impact of the preceding glyph can be nullified. You mentioned that the system can be very finicky to work with. My question is whether this cofunction intended as a feature or is it a bug that we should refrain from exploiting? The people involved did mention there have been previous bug reports about this, so I wasn't sure where it was standing."
Rias says, "Are we talking about the thing where, uh... the thing where negative skill effects can be nullified, right. Yeah, that's a bug, I think, with how multiple skill-affected effects don't play well with one another. It's unintended and will probably get fixed, but I hesitate to call it an "exploit" as it's clever Arcanists figuring out how to make things work better in their favor. But again it'll be fixed as it's a general bug with effects and not Arcana in particular, so just don't treat it like it's an IC thing, I suppose."
Blueyeti asks, "Are the durations of advanced arcana glyphs such as SHAOL and KRYTAEL deliberately concealed?"
Rias asks, "Hrm... maybe?"
Rias says, "I can't remember! I'll add a note to look into that."
Blueyeti says, "I have scoured the world thoroughly and have yet to come across another hidden glyph like the incredibly impressive and widely known one. Am I overlooking something that's currently in the world? This is for my inner treasure-goblin spirit."
Blueyeti says, "The aforementioned being KRYTAEL. Don't recall why I typed it so genericly when I followed up by naming it specifically earlier, but past me can thank me for that."
Rias says, "I really want to say "maybe" but I would feel bad. No, I don't think you're overlooking anything."
Blueyeti says, "Has the focus on faction conflict changed with the recent post on the forum? With recent events as well as the recent post on the forum, I am left with a few questions as to expectations of players in terms of how they should be reacting to the ails and issues of the other faction."
Blueyeti asks, "Considering the resource challenges that Mistral faces within their local area, is it the intention for trade with Shadgard to remain a critical aspect of their relationship?"
Rias says, "Hah. I do want to play up the faction conflict more, but it's not as central in my mind. I'd say don't feel any need to try and force it, though. Shadgard is certainly wary of the Dominion, and the Dominion has expressed a desire for Shadgard to join them, but if you're not hearing about anything that makes you think the two are thinking especially nasty about each other, then there's no need to try and come up with reasons to build it into your RP if it's not already a thing for your character."
Blueyeti asks, "Considering the prominent association of Harbingers with Mistral, would there be fair opportunity for characters to the worship of Prime Immortals in Mistral?"
Blueyeti says, "What is Mistral's stance on shadowcloaked individuals in town? Is it an oversight, or intended that they're welcome in town? I'm curious because I've seen a few walking around as nethrim-like figures after getting through gate security. And then I have one last one, it's much sillier than the rest."
Blueyeti asks, "Regarding the new stance on the redevelopment of societies, is there a possibility that Templars will gain access to their laser beams?"
Rias says, "Yes, Prime Immortals are also fine in Mistral. Mistral welcomes the Harbingers, but that doesn't mean they're going to nix the Prime Immortals to accommodate them. Mistral is supportive of encouraging greater recognition for the Harbingers' patrons, which doesn't (to Mistral's mind, anyway) necessitate turning their backs on the Primes."
Fellborn says, "Many people seem to have it locked in their head that the Dominion and Shadgard are against each other already. This isn't the case, and I personally take great delight in pointing out that while their relationship isn't perfectly amicable is definitely not what some players may perceive."
Blueyeti says, "Thank you! For all you do and I look forward to the coming changes."
Rias says, "We still won't be having Templar, though the local Ascetics do try to emulate them in behavior and spirit because their like is needed out here in the Lost Lands."
Rias glances at Fellborn.
Speaking to Fellborn, Rias says, "No questions allowed from pantless people."
Speaking to Rias, Fellborn asks, "Is there any chance at all of a pantless ability for adventurers, where if they're under a certain encumbrance and pantless, that they have additional rerolls to certain skills?"
Rias laughs!
Fellborn says, "Call it Hobostatus or something."
Squeak says, "Oh. Didn't realize I still had a hand up. Adding to firearms - I get your hesitation, but the two technologies, i.e primitive weapons and firearms coexisted for several hundred years. It would be easy to initiate a hard limit on technology, since times flows equivalent to RL. None us will be around in a hundred years to go from flint to cap and ball revolvers."
Squeak says, "And I second blackpowder creation, but only to make paper wrapped cartridges for inventory management purposes."
Rias nods to Squeak.
Speaking to Squeak, Rias says, "And I'm happy to receive continued suggestions, I just like to get my considerations and hesitations out there. It hopefully helps in coming up with suggestions within the limits."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "Thank you. I was wondering if we could consider the crafting of firestones from two small flint chunks? it almost seems like crafting at it's most rudimentary level, irl."
Moreover says (muffled by a bandana-mask), "Like, I could do it irl with no skill."
Rias says, "Firestones are funny in that I'm not exactly sure what they are! I've always seen them as stones coated in some kind of substance or something that makes using them much easier, hence anyone can just pick them up and use them. Having flint work for those with a little Bushcraft knowledge would be a neat perk."
Rias says, "Because maybe I'm just bad, but in all my experience in Boy Scouts and camping, using flint and steel or even ferrocerium and stuff like that is just not easy to get to actually work."
Speaking to Rias, Fellborn says, "Flamethrowers."
Fellborn says, "We've got acid stuff. Let me deal with fire."
Rias says, "But I'll add non-firestone firestarting to my idea pile! Would be neat with a fail chance, to make fireboards and spindles still be useful for greater reliability or something."
Vaelin says, "Just a question, any chance true strike can be used with ranged? I just think for people who don't really like going up close that aside from stealth, there is nothing to help boost your rolls with ranged attacks."
Rias says, "I've got a Ranged ability tree mapped out (partially, at least) and it has some of its own rerolly stuff. Truestrike will remain a melee ability, but ranged will have what is essentially an equivalent."
Rias says, "He's going to say it."
Rias says, "I'm waiting for Prism to bring up their cover idea. Which I am allowed to tease him about, because I really like the idea."
Fellborn says, "I was just waiting for a reason. Give him a moment."
Rias says, "I think Prism might be Actually AFK, so if anyone else has anything they want to ask/say/express, raise hand and we'll move Prism to the back of the line."
Rias glances at Fellborn.
Speaking to Fellborn, Rias says, "Except you."
Speaking to Rias, Fellborn asks, "Fixed it yet?"
Rias says, "Gotta advance the queue..."
Speaking to Fellborn, Rias exclaims, "Time's up!"
** Fellborn falls unconscious!
Fellborn has been defeated.
A pair of medics run in, heave Fellborn onto a stretcher, and haul him off to be resuscitated.
Speaking to Rias, Fellborn says, "We've seen a lot of conversation regarding how things will change and assist with allowing more breadth in regards to builds. Very cool. Having more people crying when they roll something like a Ranger or Nightblade always makes me smile. You've yet to really tell us how this will effect specialists however."
Speaking to Rias, Fellborn exclaims, "And piss off you nance, you know I was typing!"
Rias says, "For specialists, I think we can have some juicy stuff deep down some of the trees, or some that can be taken multiple times to increase their effectiveiness. If someone wants to do, say, fishing above all else, they could put multiple points into an ability that improves fishing a bit more each time- increasing rolls, increasing chance for rerolls, some kind of Boring Bonus would be boring, sure, but would be something to put those points into."
Rias asks, "One more thing for people to stress over: Do I spend this next ability point on one of the shinies, or do I use it to increase my numerical odds/rolls?"
Speaking to Rias, Lexx asks, "The color attached to your banhammer attack's special effect is VERY interesting, but that's not my question. My question is: in the past, you mentioned the possibility of a warrior spec that specializes in dealing with supernatural threats - is that going to eventually make a debut under skill-trees, and if not, are we still going to see any cool "I'm a mortal but I know a cool trick or two for dealing with spooky nonsense" abilities otherwise?"
Rias says, "Yeah, I still really like the idea of a warrior specialization that deals with occult threats."
Speaking to Rias, Fellborn says, "It is definitely something to consider. With the current intended setup, ability points should be character defining. Are you a generalist, or are you a specialist? I'd love to see a lot of branching abilities off points that you could acquire that add tangible bonuses to abilities. Beyond skill-passive locks currently. Make it be a case of, yes, I can do this craft... or I get a sick bonus to this combat ability constantly."
Rias says, "Not that it would have to only be a warrior thing, but that was the first idea. Some other class or ability tree could potentially have ways to ruin an occult-reliant person's day."
Fellborn says, "And that shouldn't necessarily be a combat bonus. Apologies to our crafters, I'm a combat dude."
Blueyeti says, "With the skill-based ability trees, will combat stances still be a guild-specific training? You brought up heavy-armor combat in your post and I was hoping to get a better vision for any of my future planning. Also is Conch Mode what you refer to as this OOC mode? That's very funny."
Speaking to Blueyeti, Rias says, "I was originally going to have it involve literally passing around a conch, but that seemed a tad too fiddly (and confusing, for people who don't get the reference)."
Rias asks, "Are we talkinga bout the combat tactics? Like tactics berserker, tactics bard, etc.?"
Blueyeti nods.
Rias says, "Gotcha. Yeah, I think there's potential to have more of those thrown in."
Blueyeti says, "Would counter-attacks or things of that nature be something that would be generalized, is kind of the vein of thought I was running with."
Blueyeti exclaims, "Or generating fury, yep!"
Rias says, "As evidenced by the fact it's something you have to set (and can turn back off), there was always the idea that one might even occasionally have access to more than one, and switch it up situationally."
Rias says, "Counter stuff I'm a little more hesitant on giving out to people who aren't combat specialists. Counters can do quite a lot to impact combat, and I think it may be one of those juicy things that the dedicated fighters have exclusive access to in order to let them shine."
Blueyeti exclaims, "I didn't want to necrobump because it's from, like, 2018. But you previously mentioned finishing off furniture and items to Rilulth in a crafting thread about furniture. This was upholstery for chairs and other touches to add to 'complete' furniture. For this, you had said it could be simple to put together as long as the items were created. This wasn't a question, this was just an informal necrobump. I would like to see this brought back to interest for the sake of our bottoms. Thank you!"
Rias says, "Pfft, you soft civilized people and your bum cushions."
Chariot asks, "You mentioned way back about wanting to make herbal or makeshift remedy or something like that a thing for bushcrafters, like a much lesser version of unguent or whatever possible with herbs that's related to survival and emergency patchup. Is it still an idea?"
Rias says, "Maybe! I really like the idea, I still feel I need to make Physickers feel special enough on their own with other stuff before I'd give out something that would essentially be a mini version of one of their current main things."
Rias says, "That said, I'm really excited about how the Physicker tree has been mapping out."
Speaking to Howard, Rias says, "See, I want to throw a duck at you, rather than a goat."
Howard asks, "I'm really glad that farming and animal husbandry is getting some love. Those damned goats aside, I think it's been op for a while and having to keep up with it is good. However, I'm only seeing things that lose them morale. As it is, it feels like if I'm not cleaning pens multiple times a day I'm getting diminished returns. Would it be possible to decrease amount that cleaning has to happen and/or create animal husbandry things to raise their morale, like scritches or brushings or treats?"
Howard says, "Mostly speaking on behalf of those who want to do the animal stuff but have, at most, time to get on once a day during the weeks. (As of late, at least)."
Rias says, "That's the kind of thing I've been looking at for husbandry. Right now the cleaning is pretty intense because for a lot of animals there's not much else to do with them, and we don't want anything feeling effortless. It'll be less shed-muck-fest once we throw in some more of this stuff to do with the animals, like brushing them, cleaning hooves, playing with brachelyr, etc."
Howard says, "So..."
Howard pokes his finger at Rias.
Howard says, "You don't want us having..."
Howard asks, "Cash cows?"
Howard mutters, "Oh no. Here it comes."
Howard says, "Also my goat injury is still bad."
Howard says, "I just got gm treatment."
Rias exclaims, "Hacks!"
Rias says, "All right, no more hands are raised, so I suppose we'll call it a day."
Stop putting watermellons into the first thing you see that looks like it can hold a watermellon. It is most rude, because you'll only make them feel like they don't belong.
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Re: OOC in-Game Meeting, Saturday, 4 March, 2023

Post by tulpa »

Thank you, appreciate this Frisbee! Wish I could say the same for all those puns :snowbird:
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Re: OOC in-Game Meeting, Saturday, 4 March, 2023

Post by Karjus »

Thanks for the log!

I'm dying to know about the goat.
- Karjus

Speaking to you, XYZ says, "Never bother to wash it. It gets dirty again anyway."
Speaking to XYZ, you say, "I hope you don't treat your ass the same way."
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Re: OOC in-Game Meeting, Saturday, 4 March, 2023

Post by shewel »

Howard's character thinks about goats... more than average. I thought it would be a fun and amusing way to acknowledge Howard's efforts to portray his character consistently though his thoughts. Next time I might throw an angry bear at Ursun.
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