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Tse Gaiyan society helpfile

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:25 pm
by Rias
Tse Gaiyan now has a helpfile that can be seen by typing HELP TSE GAIYAN in-game, or you can just click here to see it on the wiki!

(They also have a BBS board now!)

(P.S. Isn't it interesting how sometimes Tse Gaiyan is used as singular and other times as plural? Whether you're talking about the society (singular) or the people it's made up of (plural) it's essentially the same thing. So it's fine.)

Re: Tse Gaiyan society helpfile

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 3:01 pm
by Daiden

I mostly go away for a while to focus on retiring and starting a new career and you bring back the coolest org. Does this mean I can now randomly bump into Artus every three or 6 months and go "No really, I'm a member?" (after I become a member that is)