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New Scholar Ability Suggestion: Circle of Salt

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:50 pm
by Marcuson
Circle of Salt is an ability that can be learned by Scholars.

IC Description: You take a few moments to carefully construct an occult circle made of pure salt around yourself. As long as you do not leave the circle or take any hostile action, which in turn would disturb the circle, you cannot be harmed by nether, sorcery, or spirits. Beware of using it out-of-doors, for inclement weather will break the circle.

OOC Description: The circle wards off hostile effects from nethrim and non-netheric spirits, and it stops sorcery from targeting the inhabitant of the circle. Rain, snow, and high winds will destroy it.


Some researchers speculate salt's power is due to a connection with Verungnr; the fact that even mined salt works implies that these deposits are from ancient oceans. Others hypothesize that salt metaphysically represents purity of spirit, proving anathema to forms of corruption.

Re: New Scholar Ability Suggestion: Circle of Salt

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:09 pm
by TheCacklackian
I'm not sure if this applies here, but in Clok there were golems made of salt, animated by nether. Even if salt doesn't interfere with nether, this could easily be made into a scholar specific glyph for arcana. I've been thinking of suggesting something similar for warlocks and arcanists. Ultimately, I like the idea, just not sure if salt does anything lorewise.

Edit: Just realized another obvious solution if salt doesn't work would be iron powder.