Fasa: Questions Needed

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Fasa: Questions Needed

Post by Teri »

From a recent vc I'm adding the bit of notes below. Rias is intending to fill things out and figure out details, so pop your questions in here to give him some scaffolding for what to think on as he builds it out. Should you search the bbs voice chat notes there is other snippets of information about the Fasa in them as well.

- How does Fasa clan/family structure work?
A: Good question! Needs to dive into still. He has a brief document of the foundation from the person who created it and given permission to work on and draw on their previous incarnation and the race is awesome.
The general original idea was based on native american indians. wants to throw some of that in but doesn't want to do ignorant white man perspective and not interpreted as white dude caricature, and anyone wishing to do a sensitivity read on that would be helpful. Wants to take inspiration but wants to make them their own. Sort of like Nuum are surface level Egyptian but isn't a reflection of the culture.
Don't know the details of it, huge emphasis on family or tribe. Is it all blood or tribe? He is still figuring it out.
Wants to set aside Fasa week for them soon.

Q: How are their views on religion or the immortals? How do they view arcana, and sorcery?
A: Don't have a lot of detail but feels like with the fasa and religion they kind of similar to huecatn concept but acknowledge there is a lot of stuff. They know everything. We know what we know and that there is other stuff out there we would like to learn about. They know their mythology and geography. similar to faewyr sort of more respectful of nature or feel everything is tied together. Everything is interconnected and every has got these links maybe not direct connects but everything links to each other. and has their place. Say Viali brought up other immortals like Serafina. The Fasa go okay we have never heard that before but that is something we are not familiar from your continent. We are not going to deny it because we don't know.
Druidry and primalism is their gig culturally. Likely mostly don't like sorcery because it corrupts and changes things into other things. Plants become weird nether plants in a short time. Not to say No fast never would, but generally not. Scary people use scary things is their perspective
Arcana: It isn't a prominent thing, but it is utilized.
(There may have been something about Vandin but I was distracted while note taking)

Q: Since Rias once said Fasa may not be modified much from the old lore, in which area and how will are they modified, if any?
A: To be determined and written
Oh no, looks like I might die as I have lived. In the wrong place at the wrong time
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