Suggestions for Healing/Tending Changes

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Suggestions for Healing/Tending Changes

Post by IndomitableHeart »

I just wanted to drop a couple of thoughts I have regarding tending of wounds during combat and healing in general.
Scenario #1: I'm got a slight chest wound, a slight abdomen wound, and a moderate arm wound. As it stands now, when I "tend" my wounds, the game focuses on the abdomen/chest/back wounds first, despite the fact that I have wounds that are much more serious in other places. If the moderate wounds are damaged any further, I'm going to start bleeding, so it would make sense that moderate wounds should be treated first.
Suggestion: One of two things can be done here.
1. Allow targeted tending. Players could tend specific wounds as they wish by entering, for example, "tend me right arm". This would apply to tending others as well, so "tend <player> <body part>. This would allow for us to tend more critical wounds immediately. This makes the most sense to me, both from an IC and OOC perspective. There are times where I have a "slight" chest wound and a "moderate" arm wound, and the chest wound is so slight that it heals within 1 or 2 seconds after tending. This is a waste of unguent that could have been used for the much more serious wound. If I'm running low on unguent, I might want to conserve what I have left for serious wounds, and treat the slight stuff when I get back to town.
2. Alternatively, if adding the ability to target specific body parts isn't possible under the current code structure, then you could modify the current tending code so that it checks for severity of wound and treats in order from most to least serious.
Scenario #2: I am travelling, and I come across someone in battle who is injured severely enough to be bleeding from one or more wounds. If not treated quickly, they're going to die. I attempt to bandage their wound, but the game currently doesn't allow for this since there's a requirement for accepting treatment. I'm not really sure what that requirement accomplishes, since I cannot really imagine or understand why anyone would choose to refuse treatment if they're injured. Therefore, I can only think that the permission requirement is there to prevent some form of abuse or exploitation, although I can't imagine how you can abuse or exploit healing. I'm truly curious as to why the permission thing is there. If the accepting treatment requirement is somehow integral to the game or is there for some other reason that I just don't understand, then I am suggesting that when a player is bleeding profusely in battle, bandaging of their wounds should be permitted at the very least to save their life. I can't fathom any player refusing treatment and allowing themselves to bleed out and die. Also, if you're in a group combat situation, those can get extremely spammy. A player could very easily miss the fact that they're bleeding, or they could miss the request to treat them. I was in such a group the other night, and there were just three of us. I use a screen reader, and I noticed how much more spammy things got during battle. I can only imagine that the more people in a group, the more information is received. If I weren't using a soundpack, I could very easily see missing the fact that I start bleeding. Even players with sight can be overwhelmed in situations where there's tons of information at once. In emergency cases, where it's life or death, I believe that the permission requirement should be bypassed, and saving a life should be allowed.
If anyone knows exactly what the accept treatment requirement is meant to accomplish, I am genuinely curious. I don't understand how a player could abuse or exploit healing to the extent that such a requirement is needed.
I mean no offense with this post. These are simply my observations and suggestions to improve the player experience for everyone.
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Re: Suggestions for Healing/Tending Changes

Post by Rias »

Targeting specific wound locations is now fixed! Per the changelog:
Fixed a bug that was causing the tend command to ignore specified wound locations. (i.e. tend Greg left leg)
<Fellborn> NO
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