
A place to share those crazy "out there" theories that staff won't give any official comment on.
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Post by Teri »

Some fungus spreading in grass can be mistaken as spider webs, so what if the resen spreading through the lands is a mark of Aranas? Creating a hive mind of resen inflicted to further their aims? It hungers for souls, and once resen takes root in an area or in a body it can't seem to be cured. Many fungus's can be mutually beneficial for the plants they form colonies with, building around and creating defenses while taking nutrients from their hosts. Aranas is also known as the great builder and I imagine some sort of hive mind exchanges in knowledge with those who made dealings with them, with the fungus hive mind or 'webs' something they can't escape from.

As Aranas's influence in the land dwindled their hunger grew until it devolved into the current resen, almost scrabbling back it's previous building but teetering back and forth. I imagine Bristbane as some sort of unholy achievement, crossing spiders, men and resen but lacking in minds or control as the spider and fungus colonies continue to build nests. Maybe the seeming mindlessness of the resen is on purpose, Arans spreading their control, making the other immortals dismiss how deadly it could be before it piggy backs or takes control in the future.

This started out because I was looking up the mechanics of dew on spiders webs, and took hold of my mind reading this page ... fungus.htm
dollar spot fungus looks like spider webs or cobwebs on morning grass, but unlike spider webs, dollar spot mycelium disappears when the dew dries.

A link to various types of spider webs. the cob tangle web part of inspiration for this. Their tangled messy looking webs look like the mycelium threads that spread from fungus
Interesting factoid: Some tangle-web spiders form groups of as large as a thousand to create webs stretching hundreds of yards to catch everything: flies to birds and other vertebrates. These social spiders have elicited the interest of evolutionary biologists studying the basis of altruism in group behavior.
Cobweb disease is fungal disease that effects cultivated mushrooms
Oh no, looks like I might die as I have lived. In the wrong place at the wrong time
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