Florida Hurricane Warning

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Florida Hurricane Warning

Post by Marcuson »

(Note: I am not a meteorologist. Listen to local news and heed any official advisories.)

If you live in Florida along the Gulf Coast and especially in the Big Bend region, be aware that Tropical Storm Idalia is forecast to become a major hurricane -- that is, at least Category 3 -- whose winds will arrive as early as Tuesday morning (August 29th).

Storm surge, hurricane-force winds, and flash flooding are the major hazards associated with the storm. If you live along the coast or in a low-lying area, take action now to prepare for the storm. Make plans to stay with friends or family, or locate a nearby shelter and get ready to evacuate.

Storm surge is especially dangerous along the western coast of Florida due to how shallow the gulf is and to the sheer volume of water that powerful storms like Idalia can move. DON'T walk or drive through floodwaters; six inches of fast-moving water can knock you over, and twelve inches can carry away most cars.

You can find additional advisories at the National Hurricane Center's official website:


For in-depth analysis, I recommend Tropical Tidbits:


Make sure to follow weather forecasts and take a moment to locate a reliable source of up-to-date local news and advisories for your specific area. Stay safe.
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