Ability Suggestion: Language Retention

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Ability Suggestion: Language Retention

Post by Guillaumo »

The thought here would be a skill similar to Glyph Retention.

Language Retention would be an ability offered at the Library of Qamar. It can be trained once for every 100 Ranks of Linguistics the player possesses. Each Rank of Language Retention would allow the player to be able to learn 1 additional language option.

This would make for the following options:
Bards: Can learn +6 Languages.
Adventurers: Can learn +5 Languages.
Scholars: Can learn +4 Languages.
Everyone else: Can learn +1 Language.

Initially, perhaps, racial languages can be studied at the Library since these are not vast mysteries.

Maybe additional languages can be obtained using the STUDY command and can be obtained both from locational or Item studies (books, relics, etc)
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