The Bear 🐻

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The Bear 🐻

Post by Bonehead »

Ursun's rough hands traced the letters of the words carved into the ancient tree, grunting to himself "Bear" he murmured, warily eyeing the dark cave laying beyond the vine-draped rockface. Ever since the rockslide had been cleared and the passage to Dominion lands had been opened, rumors of new dangers and hidden treasures spread quickly, with many adventurers traveling north from Shadgard to explore. For Ursun, treasures and shiny baubles meant nothing. But somewhere up north he knew he would find a worthy challenge to test his strength against, perhaps even one that would finally bring an end to this cursed undying life he was forced to live, that he might greet his ancestors with honor and glory.

The Logging Camp itself almost looked abandoned, if one were unwary. Ursun had lumbered through the Camp with confidence, having taken the measure of the Infested Loggers who had attacked him as he entered. The Infested hunters had proven cunning, attempting to ambush him from the shadows, but did not prove to be a challenge once Ursun drove them from hiding. He had spat in the dirt, disgusted. The Resen had taken this camp with speed it seemed, and left nothing but the memories of sadness in it's wake. The place must not have been changed too long ago, for it was not yet a full blown infested nest, not yet at least. Still, as Ursun watched a mushroom covered deer dash off into the woods he knew it was only a matter of time.

He approached the cave after reading the carved words warily, sword held loosely in his calloused grip. In the back of his mind, he knew what he might find in there, and given the state of the Camp, he knew what he would have to do. Still, in his heart he held out hope. Perhaps Bears were too strong to be turned by the Resen, or perhaps Great Bear had watched over the spirit of this one, protecting it from the Fungus. As he stepped into the cave, his hopes were dashed, and his life would be forever changed by the site before him.

Ursun had seen bears many times in his life. He honored the spirit of Great Bear in his heart, and made offerings to the little brothers and sisters of Bear who dwelled along the river that they may grow stronger, and that he might learn from them. He armored himself in the hides of the Old Bears who's time had come, offering himself as a challenge that they may meet death with dignity, and using their pelts to protect him. He knew the spirits of these bears would protect his spirit as their pelts protected his body, just as he knew that when he died they would roar in approval, speaking for him to the Great Bear himself of how he had remembered the lessons of Strength and Majesty that had been taught to his ancient ancestors.

The Bear that rose before him was a massive beast, at least a head taller then any other bear he had seen in his life. The creatures roar echoed off the cave walls, and Ursun steeled his will, preparing to face the challenge before him. As he gazed upon the latest challenge before him, he felt a cold chill up his spine as he looked into the honey colored eyes of the bear, it's hooded gaze matching his own. It's eyes a match for his own. Ursun stood dumbfounded, shocked by the sight before him. In any other circumstance this bear would have been honored, watched over and cared for, for surely this Bear had been blessed by Great Bear himself. Bloody claws swiped towards him, and Ursun stumbled back wildly, using his Greatsword to defend himself as the razor sharp claws of the beast sought to end his life.

Ursun fought on reflex, battering at the paws and stabbing at the thick hide of the beast, his mind still trying to understand what it was he was fighting. Surely this was an Omen, though an Omen of what, Ursun did not know. He fell to the ground as the Fungus Infested Bear barrel into him, stunned as he hit the ground as the mass of the bear and it's Mushroom covered body thrashed over him.

Death? Was this an Omen of his final death then? Would be finally meet his end facing this infested beast, devoured by a corrupted creature who's spirit honored? Or worse...would be survive, only to become infested with the Resen himself, cursed to live a pitiful, shuffling half life where his spirit was shackled to his body, his mind unable to control the doings of his own body?

Ursun roared in defiance, shouting his great warcry "BEAR!" as he scrambled from under the bulk of the raging beast, getting to his feet as he slashed into the Resen corrupted hide of the creature with mighty strokes of his Greatsword. He felt fear, despite the overwhelming fury overcoming him, gnawing at the back of his mind. Would this be his end? Such an unworthy death? He shouted, pushing the thoughts out of his mind as his body surged with newfound adrenaline. He had prayed to Great Bear for a Challenge, and this was how his prayers had been answered. He rushed forward with a roar, batting aside the razor sharp claws of the beast before plunging his blade deep into the heart of the Beast, risking his life for an all or nothing blow. He expected the Bears talons to rip onto his flesh, or it's maw to envelop his head, and crush his skull. Instead, the Bear collapsed onto the ground, the pustules covering his hide exploding, covering the rotting beast into a pile of pus.


Ursun sat along the banks of the river, watching the rising sun as he collected his thoughts. Further up the stream, the Bears lumbered into the river, catching fish, feeding their cubs, and leading their lives. Ursun's mind dwelled on the omen of the Infested Bear, who's eyes matched his own. Who's furious spirit matched his own. Surely, this was a sign...but for good or ill, he could not fathom. Perhaps this was his Doom, a sign from Great Bear as to what his future held as he walked the warriors path. But then, another thought occurred to him. He had asked for challenges to prove his worth as a warrior. The Infested Bear itself was a challenge. Indeed, he had freed it from it's torment, allowing it's spirit to join the others in the night sky. But perhaps the Omen was more then that. The Resen was a great threat to these Lands, the nests of the Infested growing and spreading, taking towns and villages without worry or care. What greater challenge could their be for a warrior, then facing such a threat? Could that be the Challenge Great Bear has presented him with? Even if his Doom was to die, or become infested...would be shirk from the challenge of this omen?

Ursun raised his Greatsword high, pointing at the last remnants of the starry sky as he made his vow. "Before the spirits of the Wild. In the Name of Great Bear, I accept this challenge. Be it my doom, or my final death, I will face the Resen as a warrior must! I will not shirk, or be found wanting in the face of this challenge! I accept it with a glad heart!" he roared out, pounding his meaty fist into his chest.

And so Ursun made his vow, and continued his many adventures in the Lost Lands....
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Re: The Bear 🐻

Post by Frisbee »

Love stories like this! They really give you an insight into their protagonist's world unlike any RP session.

Great work, and thank you for sharing this.
Stop putting watermellons into the first thing you see that looks like it can hold a watermellon. It is most rude, because you'll only make them feel like they don't belong.
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Re: The Bear 🐻

Post by Fellborn »

This is fantastic, and I'm glad you felt inspired to write it.
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Re: The Bear 🐻

Post by darkangel »

keep the good work! looking forward to more.
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