Wilderness height and perception

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Wilderness height and perception

Post by Xandrea »

I've been thinking about this idea for awhile and I think I figured out a way to implement it with some skill bonuses.

I've often desired to have a way to have a larger compass in the wilderness. Though this might get out of hand so instead I've thought up a possibly interesting solution to get a little of both worlds.

If we could get tiles to have a height value assigned to them then adding a [scout] or similar verb could be used to get a depiction of a larger map. I 'think' there's a light version of this already as the compass shrinks and expands in certain places in the wilderness.

Dependant on your perception skill (maybe certain abilities) and the height of the tile you're standing in. When you [scout] you can see further in all directions. (Essentially using [scout] gives you a larger map view but, only when you use [scout].) A higher perception lets you see tiles further away even if you're in lower tiles. (Since you're trained to look for things you spot details better further off.) Meaning at lower elevations you see further with higher perception (to a limit) and at higher elevations you need less perception to see tiles further away.

Universally however being on tiles that are higher lets you naturally [scout] farther away because you're at an advantageous position. Furthermore! At special locations (Say climbing icewind peak to the very top) You could use [scout] and see much, much further away into the wilderness as a special reward for climbers! The Watchtower along the western pass would be another example that you could use scout and get a larger than normal wilderness map.

On-topic, later on there may be a possibility of spotting figures in the distance. On top of seeing further out when you scout. Your perception may come in handy as with good perception skills you may be able to spot figures in the distance. This could be a runaway idea though. As if we can 'see' figures in the distance there may be a desire that a particularly good perception skill could make out more details. To not be too code heavy. That might be good to restrict to a point.

[To the east you spot four figures/humanoid-figures/quadropeds on a (tile-type ie.road) road. (If traveling reference direction) Moving Northwards.]
[To the north-east you spot a figure/humanoid-figure in a(tile-type) forested area (how far?) three leagues away (Checks for current activity) foraging.
[To the north-east you spot the smoke of a burning campfire.]

I recognize this would require a ton of work and as such probably wouldn't be implemented in this exact format but, I'm hoping it's the idea that counts here.
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Re: Wilderness height and perception

Post by Navi »

Call me old fashioned, but in my day you used those legs to scout. Not that I don't like the idea for general terrain info, but with how tree cover works and how the wilderness map in general works. I don't see this being very practical. It doesn't matter how good you can see, you're not going to see through trees, even if you had higher ground. It would be nice to hear things like horses galloping along the roads if you are within range of hearing such things with a sufficient perception check, and even if groups with more than a certain number. I don't think it needs to get any more complicated than that though.
wander without wanting, thrust into lands unknown. the shadows shift and change, and the worlds with them.
I'm not a soldier but I'm fighting
Can you hear me through the silence?
I won't give up 'cause there will be a day
We'll meet again
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