Masonry suggestions

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Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:42 pm

Masonry suggestions

Post by Kalista »

I noticed that Masonry, as far as I could see capped out at 200, and unfortunately that's one of the skills I decided to take as one of my hobbies. It got me thinking though...everything is always made out of wood, wouldn't stone help make things more durable? maybe stone masons could make pillars to help secure buildings? or other things like bricks, concrete and the like. I'm not sure of how it would work, I'm just throwing general suggestions out there, but I'd think being able to shape stone would be a helpful skil especially in the areas of building things. also...It doesn't seem to be a particularly popular skill, where as everyone wants to be a wood carver, I rarely see anyone carving stone. Maybe what I'm suggesting is too complicated, but I figured I'd at least give it a try.
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