Lore Functionality and Studying

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Lore Functionality and Studying

Post by Irylia »

Would it be possible to get the cooldown for studying lore items reduced similar to how it is for studying Arcana/Sorcery? 11 hours is challenging, especially with juicy lore out there to discover. Alternatively, (or perhaps additionally) would it be possible to study more than one object at once and have a separate cooldown for each?

In addition to this - since the library IS so far away, could we maybe have some kind of credit system put in where you can study/train up to a certain limit and pay it off on a future visit (similar to infirmaries)?

Also, just generally I'm curious how you're planning to have this work as the game progresses and more studyable objects/areas are available? Will it always be a single study at a time with a large cooldown or will this all be tweaked further as things expand? Will it be possible to tell what area of study an object belongs to so that you can specialize in certain things (in case skill level determines how much you can study)? That way you might pass an object off to someone else to study instead or a subject matter expert in the field and combine research instead of studying everything yourself.

I do realize that right now there isn't that much available yet so you may be intentionally gating the lore and system. But given the long trek to the library, it would be nice to have a bit more wiggle room all around. I appreciate any consideration and LOVE what's in so far. I'm looking forward to discovering more tidbits about this world you've made.
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Re: Lore Functionality and Studying

Post by Rias »

The cooldown time on lore study is intentionally made to be long. Consider it adding to the suspense and experience that when you find a new thing with a potentially interesting history, it'll take a while real-time before you're able to discover its secrets. The one-at-a-time limitation is also intentional to that effect - if you happen upon a cache of researchable lore items, you'll have to research them one by one, and do your best to decide which ones you want to research and learn about first. It's supposed to feel like something that you're putting a lot of study time into, and unlike skill studies, it isn't something that's expected to be repeated over and over rapidly for mechanical progression.

ICly, consider that when you go to study a skill, you're in an area that's designed to efficiently facilitate study of that particular subject, and you know more or less exactly what you're looking for and where to find it. When you're studying lore items, it involves a lot more guesswork, cross-referencing, piecing tidbits of information together, lost time searching dead ends, and other tedious research-y stuff.

I'm not keen on a credit system at the library. Maybe a local bank where you can store currency only.

Being able to potentially get a rough guess at which lore subject an item might be associated with could be a neat perk for certain skill or affinity thresholds.
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