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Post by Talyn »

While discussing market stuff and things to make I had a random thought on Cheese and a basic means to make it.

Rimeveil Cheesecloth - I don't see this being made from wool and seeing how only one character had linen we won't be using that either.
4/4 rimeveil cloth needed to make it.

You can use a flour sack towel, pillowcase, bandana, scrap of fabric, clean cloth diaper, cloth napkin, or jelly bag to strain foods or contain little bundles of herbs. Choose something you don't care about because the food you're straining can permanently stain the fabric. Cheese cloth could be something tailors make and put on the market so that farmers/cooks could use this to make cheese.

Cheesecloth could be used for a lot of things, perhaps making bread, cheese itself, or just an item to have lying around.

(milkable-animal) Cheese - A block of edible cheese!
So, I don't make butter in game so I would have to say I'm lost on the requirements needed I know it needs milk, but I would suggest doing the same ratio of milk to make butter, for cheese.
1 sea-salt

make cheese
This would take X amount of steps to prep the cheesecloth of curd and take a certain amount of time 1 bell, 6 bells, however long needed. Cheese takes a while so I don't see it being harmful for taking time for it to turn from curd to cheese.

Another option is one I did a bit more research on for Ancient Cheeses. The big thing on this one is that it requires animal skin/stomach in order to make. This could be interesting for leatherworkers/skinners to bring cleaned pelts to the market rather than just normal pelts. The only issue I'm having with this one is that it says they would keep it in hot environments. I could see a way around this by just cook it

Hard salted cheese
1 animal cleaned pelt (Small maybe?)
X amount of fingers of milk
3 sea-salt

cook cheese - for the sake of disbelief in order to make the cheese. This food item though should be heavily, sour and salty, and similar in texture to rustic cottage cheese or present-day feta. I think no matter the cooking skill that it gives a -0.25 morale hit. But it does give milk some uses for cooking, and salt. Plus would start having cheese out in the world.

Note: The pelt would be used up and unable after making the food with it. So that you couldn't use the pelt for leatherworking after use just made cheese with it. I did try to make it as simple as possible with what we have in game so there doesn't need too much coding behind it.
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Re: Cheese

Post by Onasaki »


I have two forces by my side,
One's the truth and one's a lie,
Which one's which I cannot tell,
This enigma is my hell.

Baako leads you over to the grass to graze.
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