Voicechat Notes - 8 August

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Voicechat Notes - 8 August

Post by Zombilicious »

Talyn's vault really likes bags and trinkets. Oh, and it's still bugged.
Skill caps: Rias is warming up to opening them more and more.

-- might be beneficial for scholars, who don't have ton of skills at higher caps
-- someone is a one-man consortium (looking at you)
-- Would this count for Guild-capped skills, like Druidry?
---- The idea there is to have each druid ability a base thing, and depending on your class, you get XYZ because you're this or that class. Sort of like tactical dodge.
---- He likes that more than restricting abilities.

Did the Hopta make the catacombs? Bonehead must know.
-- information here is redacted from conversations, because LEARN IT IN GAME, GUYS.
What's a Giborac?
-- Rias forgot to remove it, it's from a different work.
-- he won't tell us what they are, woe
Does metal affect crafting when it comes to armor, re: minor components?
-- No, it doesn't affect its ability to protect, just the cost.
-- Talyn wants to make silver brigandine. Or gold.
Who's Harper, from Harper's Bar? Rias has to do a thing on him.
-- Rias also has to double-check the description.
Can we get a hitching post outside of Hearth & Home?
-- All we want is one in a description, OK.
-- All the darn horses are left outside of the Inn, warriors.
-- It's the auto-dismount.
Kaiju went AFK quickly, he had to grab some coffee.
Lexx and Bonehead theory crafted entirely too much. I applaud their determination.
We have to get the museum wing open so that people can donate/display fancy relics!

-- it would be cool to have relics, right?
Lots of talking about Bald Hill, but you don't get any notes here, OK? Learn it IC.
-- Seriously, learn it IC.
What's happening with the new zone?
-- Rias was taking a break, so he hasn't done anything on it.
-- Rias deserves breaks and should remember to take them.
-- We love Rias.
Black is upset people are stealing wechuge.
-- keep hunting them.
-- or don't, you know? it's your neck.
Nuum are brontosauruses and Hoss can't have his hairy feet.

Rhuidim language/script is derived from Nuumic.

-- I didn't know this.
-- They're very secretive. There are some similarities with Nuum language, but they have a real alphabet and not hieroglyphics.
-- They said "Screw the Nuum, lol." to change stuff. (Can you blame them?)

Temicotli is the Way of Dreams.
More conversation about Rhun, the Rhuidim and lore.
Maybe sorcery Adventurer specialization. Maybe.
Ragni Karnath is retired, guys, she doesn't have to tell us about her adventures.

-- some might be fake, even.
-- who knows!
-- one-handed death of a lindwurm, slathered in delicious sauces, survived in its belly and killed it from the inside.
-- totally true!
-- if a beast is too hard to stab on the outside, it has to be stabbed on the inside.
-- defeated Black in just her PJs with a rope! #StrongLady

Bjorn is coming back eventually, with his great beard!
Immortal question: Other Game had Gods that were not omniscent, and had corporeal forms.

-- Is that the case here?
---- It depends on which immortal. Generally speaking, yes.
---- Rias doesn't think any immortal claims omniscence.

---- Closest thing: Constantians are obsessed with Iarel, and she's their Big Head Honcho God.
------ They also believe in other Gods. They just really stan Iarel.
---- No immortals have all the powah. That would be boring.
-- Is Teonanacatl a primal spirit or an Immortal?
---- This is the real question! DEBATE!
---- They don't have a gender/human form.
---- Bonehead thinks they should be grouped into Druidic deities.
------ Zombilicious thinks he's wrong.

Bonehead can't play Berserkers.
Talyn dies a lot. (Stop doing that, Talyn.)
Don't use a Sledgehammer in combat, guys.

-- It unbalances you.
-- Someone killed infested with a skillet, they are the exception to this rule.
Reykvargr has a name, unlike Great Bear Spirit.
-- Is that a Faewyr name? Is it a real name? Does it just mean 'Smoke Wolf'?
---- The Great Bear Spirit is more widely recognized, unlike Reykvargr.
---- Reykvargr is niche. She doesn't want to be your friend, guys.
------ They fear her. Obviously. She doesn't want to be their friends either.

Where is Destiny Owleyes' nation in relation to the Lost Lands?
-- Southwest.
-- It's very cold.
-- Someday you might be able to visit it?
-- It's called Caldwell. Little big-town city.
-- It's unnaturally cold, the southwest isn't really that cold. She's cold.

Tasks: Has Rias put thought into group tasks/multi-step tasks/skill requirement tasks?
-- Yes. He'd like to do that someday.
-- We love teamwork in Cogg, OK?
-- Don't solo everything!
-- In Other Game, there were instanced Dwaedn tasks, but they were a nightmare.
---- Rias has ideas. Instancing is easy, because it can be generic, having others show up in known locations is also good.
---- Maybe there are suggestions.

-- is it baktu? check the feet.
Does Jonathon Crowhaven exist in the Lost Lands or outside of it or everywhere?
-- His legend has a lot to do with Aetgard/Lost Lands region.
-- Lots of people think he might be an incarnation of other beings instead.
-- We don't know the real answer.
-- He exists but hey, he doesn't want to see anyone, please leave him alone.
-- kthnx.
-- He's an MLM leader, maybe?
---- Maybe other people claim to be Crowhaven.
---- Maybe he's not really a person.
---- Who knows, we can't really know, there's no DNA testing in the Lost Lands.

Kebyet is very ambitious and not necessarily only in Nuum.
-- She's Immortal, so she moves around a lot.
Most races have views on demons/angels/cosmic scale like the Ivial, who have sincubi/aengels.
-- Most places don't put as much effort into categorizing it like the Viali/Constantians.
-- The Nuum have all sorts of different tiers of beings.
Rias wants to re-sort the Immortals page to group them differently.
-- He said a lot of things that I can't remember, though. Just that he wants to restructure it.
Giganti: They kind of know what's up for themselves so they don't think about other Immortals much.
-- If they had tendency to respect others, it'd be Bogvaskr (who is also associated with the Faewyr).
-- Also Vodr, despite him being Gone. Diminished. Diluted. Dead?
-- Giganti also have a thing for Naia somewhat, and Nereia if they're Rullendbolg even though she's not native to them.
BOGVASKR -> BOGVASHER. Pronounciation counts.

Vodr > many think he's dead in the setting.

-- How does this translate? Were his priests unable to do miracles? Were there stories? What makes people think he's dead?
---- There's stories about Vodr's sacrifice, getting destroyed/diminished by it.
---- Mainly people believe he's 'dead' (as dead as an Immortal can be) due to stories.
---- Also because people might not be able to do things they used to.
---- Vodr's super old, though, no one commonly would remember any of this except the stories.
---- Knowledge is power, y'all.

-- Vodr is less likely to respond to people seeking power from Immortals.

Are there any Immortals/plans for Immortals that originate on other continents?
-- Has anything from these cultures ended up in Arad?
---- Nothing big has caught on. They have a different approach to Immortals and pantheons and stuff.
---- Rias needs to flesh those out more too.
---- Safe to say unlike other continents with synergy between Immortals, Nil Bindu (southwest continent) does its own thing.
---- Nil Bindu hate/are terrified the ocean, they do not swim, they do not cross it, ew. EW.

Player characters can be descended from clans on the page.
-- Even if you just want to be associated with X Clan, but want to be your own clan, that's all good.
-- If they're prominent enough to be on the wiki, they're big enough to claim from them.
-- Don't claim to be the son of the leader or something, y'all.

Giganti: Do they have surnames, clan names, or fancy titles.
-- They can take surnames (generally son-of or daughter-of names), but generally no.
-- They can earn a descriptive epithet or surname, which is more common.
---- It's conceited to make one up yourself, it's something that's bestowed on you by things.
-- They also use their Clan Name in the sense of "Ragne of the Hvitulv Clan", but it's not a surname.
Other Surnames:
-- Surnames are a big deal in Ivial, Hillfolk have surnames and a lot of family/personal pride.
-- Rhuidim have surnames because lineage from Rhun himself is a Big Deal.
---- Being able to tie yourself back to Rhun is a great way to been seen positively.
---- Not everyone is a sorceror in Tol Rhun. It's privileged, like occult stuff in Nuum.

---- There's no real classes. It's a status symbol, though, and people in power wanna keep it.
-- Nuum do not have surnames.
---- Nuum slaves have names, but no agency over if it stays the same forever.
---- Maybe some have numbers.

-- Huec definitely do not have surnames.
---- They don't even really care about biological ties.
---- They are super communal, everyone gets together, everyone participates.
---- No lazy people. TO THE JUNGLE WITH THEM.

Is he ever going to fix the Ragni bug so people who did the tutorial first?
-- No. Because it thwarts Kaiju.
-- Kaiju and Rias don't compliment each other.
-- Not part of their arrangement.
Shethsut vs. The Blood God:
-- Rias hasn't made changes from Other Game.
-- Nuum might view Blood God differently. We can't really know.
---- Shethsut might be different. Who knows.
-- BETRAYAL! (Bonehead has really good theories, OK.)
Let us name areas out in the wilds, plz.
Pain stuff: hitting morale or sanity or something.

-- Allows options for numbing agents.
-- Field splinting might be a thing later on, not on really bad stuff, obvi.
-- We want to make sure Physickers have stuff to do.

More people want bone-related junk, kthnx.
-- Faewyr viking merchant, plz.
-- Masks from skulls.
-- Flower weaving.
Leatherworking: full-faced helmets, will it affect perception?
-- It doesn't currently make a difference.
-- Would be cool to allow it to be modified later to make it full-face.
-- More metal armor, plz.
-- Have it muffle voices, maybe affect perception.
-- Want full-face for customizing stuff, kthnx.
Are there currently any construction recipes that use masonry:
-- There is 1, the stone well.
-- Are any more planned to use masonry.
-- Are stone fences actually walls?

Bloodglass: knappable, is it going to be carvable tho?
-- In what ways do we want it carvable?
Artisans aren't around yet, but: what about enameled pottery and porcelain or working with metalworkers to produce cloisonne work?
-- Rias has talked about regular professions building off artisans.
-- Cloisonne especially would be good for artisans working together.
-- Don't say gemstone, it upsets the lapidary people.
Flux: makes metal somewhat different.
-- Does limestone change iron when used as a flux? (This is broken currently.)
-- Rias is looking at it to add it.
Can you melt lockboxes that are metal? No. No you cannot.
-- It's sad. Woe.

Weird lore question about Shadgard: what do they do with the barrels of trash?
-- Is there a midden somewhere?
---- They burn it all maybe in the Steamworks.
---- Maybe they dump it over the wall.
---- Tarueka, maybe?

You can make loincloths but not chestwraps, Rias!
-- They conflict with shirt slot.
---- It needs to be shifted down into its own slot so you can wear it under shirts.
Mounts: can we make it so workhorses don't injure you riding through town?
-- Yeah.
Immortal question: Shethsut was kindly towards people, how can you be kindly vs. a sacrifice god?
-- See Old Testament.
-- Also Huec sacrifice people.
---- "Hi, become a great thing beyond death, thanks."

Lore Question: In Kiki's head, they were thinking that the premise is that Shadgard is not cool with nether.
-- Under this assumption, isn't there a connection between sorcery and nether?
---- Under this assumption, wouldn't Shadgard have an issue with the Library who openly teach sorcery?
------ Shadgard probably does have lots of people shaking their head at the Library (and also they aren't huge fans of druids, because the occult is spooky AF).
-- Where is the line? "Don't bring that stuff in town and we're fine"?
---- They're shaking their heads and getting on your case, because ew nether (just saying, gross), but on the other hand, they're not just saying "Anyone going to this school where they teach sorcery sometimes to some people should be stabbed."
------ Partially because they also need the knowledge from that place (i.e. needing Physickers).
------ Keep your filthy nether out of their town, gat dangit.
-- NotShadgard is not Mistveil, so where is the conflict? If Shadgard just wants their druids/sorcerers to not do stuff in town, where is there difference in beliefs?
---- If you ARE a sorcerer but promise not to do it in town, then that doesn't cut it, you can't be an open sorcerer in Shadgard, they'll be really grossed out by you generally. Shadgard smash? Shadgard smash.
---- If they had other options, they might boycott the Library.

------ The Library is neutral, it doesn't care. Allows for some interesting RP.

Will things be illegal eventually?
-- Yes, eventually if you do sorcery in Shadgard with an NPC crowd/people who can see you, they'll report you. Eventually.
-- How does going to jail & reporting stuff works? Is there in-game justice system?
---- Currently if you do something that triggers a crime report in the game, depending on circumstances (like against an NPC), they'll report you or call for militia depending on the room they're in. Militia will keep coming to a maximum of possibly 6. Gate guards are also notified.
------ That means fleeing is hard.
------ If you catch someone fleeing from you, there's nothing in place right now other than screaming about it to the rest of Shadgard.
------ Does he intend for the Sheriff's stuff to be open for that?
-------- Maybe. He thinks there should be some sort of report thing.
-- Maybe bounty hunters?
---- Trouble with that, it quickly can become not fun for other people.
Does Druidry negatively affect Shadgard views?
-- It makes them uncomfortable, but he's still thinking about it.
:verungnr_tentacles: :vodr_trident:
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Re: Voicechat Notes - 8 August

Post by nobody »

Zombilicious wrote: Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:15 pm Skill caps: Rias is warming up to opening them more and more.
---- The idea there is to have each druid ability a base thing, and depending on your class, you get XYZ because you're this or that class. Sort of like tactical dodge.

Who's Harper, from Harper's Bar? Rias has to do a thing on him.
-- Rias also has to double-check the description.

Where is Destiny Owleyes' nation in relation to the Lost Lands?
-- It's called Caldwell. Little big-town city.

You can make loincloths but not chestwraps, Rias!
-- They conflict with shirt slot.
---- It needs to be shifted down into its own slot so you can wear it under shirts.
1. Related to that, nightblades will probably have a class restriction to one sorcery channel so they cannot super nether blast from stealth with their awesome tactical rerolls. Probably.
2. That description in need of checking is the tent in Harper's bog I believe.
3. Little city or big town. It's a town-sized city or a city-sized town.
4. This one is actually kind of important maybe? Tailors need a recipe for the female upper body undergarment chest wrap (and it needs to not conflict with a shirt)

Other notes to add:
Rias is happy to see people noticing descriptions and discussing and speculating about them
The catacombs tome needs to be updated to use the book mechanics (make sure to disable adding pages Rias!)
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