Constitution bonuses

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Constitution bonuses

Post by Rias »

Poor Constitution has been chosen literally never for a character's primary attribute. I just checked. It did sound pretty boring and lackluster, so I spiffed it up a tad and gave a few more actual numbers to hopefully convince people that it's actually quite nice. I updated the wiki page, and here are the currently-implemented bonuses for those too lazy to click:

- 20% Increased total energy pool
- 20% Increased maximum flesh wound levels on all hit locations
- Resistance to cold damage and frostbite
- Resistance to bludgeon damage

The bonuses are quite beefy, and may undergo some balance tweaking upon further consideration and testing. I've always said that if you're going to have boring numeric bonuses though, make them big enough to actually be noteworthy.
<Fellborn> NO
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