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Hanged Man Inn room rentals (and other updates)

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 12:39 am
by Rias
The Hanged Man Inn now has inn rooms for rent! They are much smaller than the Hearth & Home when it comes to floor space, and they have less storage furniture and no wash basin. When a guest's rent expires, any items left in their room at that time will be stored in the inn's local storage and must be RETRIEVEd from the front desk before the guest can check in to a new room.

This is meant for characters who have fallen out of the good graces of Shadgard and need a place to stay and store some items. The following does NOT apply to any current character situations, but it should also be noted that the Hanged Man is not some sacred and inviolable sanctuary that has taken an oath to never refuse service to anyone. They have an understanding with Shadgard due to their proximity, so any who end up in especially bad standing with Shadgard will find themselves unwelcome in the Hanged Man as well. In other words: Don't deliberately work against Shadgard and then expect to be able to live right on their doorstep in the Hanged Man.

This may end up being just a short-term solution and room rentals may eventually go away again after we have our major non-Shadgard faction option available. We'll see!

Re: Hanged Man Inn room rentals (and other updates)

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:52 pm
by Rias
The dining area and bar have expanded their menus!

Re: Hanged Man Inn room rentals (and other updates)

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 11:01 pm
by ThresherAle
You pay 176 riln and have your copper mug etched with a burning city filled with some Thresher Ale.
I'm whole again. Feels real nice.