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Dennis's other glyph and occult ideas!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:25 pm
by Dennis
Was sitting here thinking about defensive abilities and I came up with a few occult items and glyphs too!

Dynamo: When you are under the effect of this glyph, receiving attacks builds electrical energy. On your attacks, you discharge additional electrical energy on your attack, with the strength of the bolt depending on how much energy you've accumulated.
Mire: When you are under the effect of this glyph, you have a chance to slow enemies when they hit you. Slow increases roundtime on attacks.
Haste: When you're under the effect of this glyph, reduce traveltime and roundtime at the cost of increased energy and nutrition costs.

Occult items:
Tremors: A hammer-like object that you can slam on the ground to crease tremors centering from you, staggering and knocking over enemies in the area that are not in your group.
Binding webs: An item that fires a webbing at a target, preventing them from moving from where they are.
Aegis: Creates an energy field where nothing can enter/exit from inside it for a period of time.

Re: Dennis's other glyph and occult ideas!

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:26 pm
by Dennis
DId you miss me? I've been playing D&D! I'd love to see these weapon and armor infusions as occult glyphs. They're adjacent to shaol.

toistaa- 'repeating shot'
You transmute a weapon such as a crossbow, sling, or bow with an enchantment such that if you load no ammunition in the weapon, it produces its own, automatically creating one piece of spectral ammunition when you make a ranged attack with it. This effect draws some energy from the owner, and the owner experiences increased energy costs to attack. The ammunition created by the weapon vanishes the instant after it hits or misses a target.

filleadh - 'returning weapon'
You transmute a weapon, imbuing it with an enchantment that causes it to return to the wielder's hand immediately after it is thrown or hurled. While it will avoid collisions and interference from others, it can in no way be specifically directed or guided - it simply returns to the owner's hand if possible, and that is all. This effect draws some energy from the owner, and the owner may experience lowered overall energy levels even up to a minute or so after the levitation effect has ended.