Blurb updates for Bogvaskr and Vandin

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Blurb updates for Bogvaskr and Vandin

Post by Rias »

Some minor-ish updates to the Immortals helpfile/wiki article regarding the quick blurbs of a couple Immortals.

Bogvaskr was previously just "the Huntsman" which, while delightfully simple and straightforward, felt a little lacking compared to all the others. It's been updated to now read:
The Huntsman, a peerless tracker and archer, master of beasts, forever wandering the world.
This helps spotlight his archery and tracking in particular, his affinity for beasts (which applies to both befriending and slaying depending on the situation), and his propensity to wander. The last is something not really otherwise noted outside his Huecatn cultural interpretation blurb, but I imagine travellers will often offer up a prayer or tribute when setting out across those long wilderness roads or paths separating civilization.

Vandin's epithet was previously "The Sun God" and has been updated to be "The Chronicler." While the sun still has great symbolic significance for Vandin (shining light by which to find or reveal the truth, seek knowledge, etc.), calling him "the Sun God" was quite misleading as it could cause people to think he had some literal connection to, affinity for, or control over the actual celestial body that is the physical sun, when it is in fact a symbolic thing and not a literal domain of influence for him.
<Fellborn> NO
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